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About Us

Jeff Teale

Founder & Director

Contact Us

We operate a remote global business.HQ - Level 1, 100-102 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba, QLD, 4557

Director - Jeff Teale
Email - jeff@hextalent.com.au

About Us

Privacy Policy

Terms & Conditions

Acceptable Use

Privacy Policy

Who are we?
Hex Talent Pty Ltd ACN 656 809 567 and its related company HeXComm Pty Ltd ACN 660 627 207 (us, our or we).
Our contact details.
Please provide us with the best contact details for privacy related matters.
You can use the ‘contact us’ section on our website.
You can also email us on admin@hextalent.com.auPrivacy is important.
We recognise the importance of your privacy. We are committed to its protection.
We adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), subject to exemptions that are applicable to us under the Privacy Act.
What is this?
This Privacy Policy sets out the basis on which personal information that we collect from you will be used by us. By providing personal information to us, you expressly consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We may change our Privacy Policy from time to time and we encourage you to check our website periodically for updates.
Personal information. Unless otherwise indicated, ‘personal information’ has the meaning given to that term in the Privacy Act.
Our services.
We provide recruitment services, and an online platform, Juxta, that provides individual users who are seeking employment or networking opportunities (“Talent(s)”) with a profile creation product that can connect them with Hiring Managers (Employer(s)”) (as defined in clause 3 below).
When the product is used as intended, interactions on the Website or App occur between Talent and Employers.
You acknowledge that Juxta is not directly involved in or otherwise an agent or party to any transaction that may take place between a Talent and an Employer.1. Privacy information collectedInformation that we may collect directly from you or from third parties may include, the following:a. your full name;
b. your residential address;
c. your preferred mailing address;
d. your email address;
e. your gender;
f. your mobile number and other g. contact details;
g. your age and date of birth;
h. your citizenship or residency status;
i. your qualifications and licences;
j. your employment, work experience and volunteering history;
k. your medical history, insofar as it relates to your eligibility for certain employment;
l. your Covid-19 vaccination status, insofar as it relates to your eligibility for certain employment;
m. personal information obtained from any documents that you provide to us, including your CV or academic record;
n. bank account details and your credit card or debit card information and details;
o. your transaction history, including products or services you may have used, your payment history, and the capacity in which you have dealt or deal with us;
p. your device type, your operating system, your location information, your connection information, data and statistics on your website activity, details regarding your mobile application, advertising data, your IP address and various web log information;
q. your activity information regarding how you engage with our website and app;
r. information that is required or authorised by law; or
s. any other personal information that you choose to provide in connection with your dealings with us.
2. Third partiesa. We may also collect personal information from third parties, such as recruitment agencies, referees, current or previous employers, necessary for the recruitment process, including:
i. employment history and qualifications details;
ii. details relating to your performance as an employee and your personal character; and
iii. other information necessary to conduct background checks to determine suitability for certain positions (such as a police check).
3. How we collect and hold your personal informationa. We may collect personal information from you whenever you input information of a personal nature into our website or application, including but not limited to completing our candidate registration form.
b. Service providers may hold personal information on our behalf. Where a service provider holds any personal information, we require them to be compliant with the APP and the Privacy Act to ensure no mishandling of any personal information you have provided us.
c. Staff will be trained to ensure personal information is handled correctly and will only handle personal information where necessary.
4. Voluntary collectiona. We collect information from you on a voluntary basis. You are not under any obligation to provide information to us.
b. If we do not collect your personal information, we may not be able to provide our services to you. Depending upon the circumstances, we either might not be able to provide our services at all, or only partly provide our services.
5. Purpose of collectiona. We may disclose, hold, collect, store, use or otherwise deal with personal information as follows:i. in providing services to you;
ii. to enable you to use our website;
iii. to include you in our Juxta platform, where your anonymised personal information will be disclosed to potential employers;
iv. to provide your personal information to potential employers if a request is made to us to release your Personal Information and you provide your consent to such a request;
v. to communicate with you regarding potential employment opportunities;
vi. to facilitate a connection between you and potential employers for the purposes of employment;
vii. to operate, manage, control and improve our website;
viii. to fix technical issues (including ‘bugs’) regarding our website;
ix. to investigate and consider data analytics for marketing and general business performance enhancement purposes;
x. to communicate with you regarding the website (including any support queries, updates and security issues);
xi. to communicate with you regarding marketing and promotional messages, as well as other information that may potentially be of interest to you;
xii. to consider search engine optimisation and ancillary matters;
xiii. to respond to an emergency, including investigating a potential data breach;
xiv. to conduct surveys and promotions (whether from us or our business partners);
xv. for our operations and financial requirements, as well as those of our related companies;
xvi. to process payments (with the assistance of third parties), including creating tax invoices or receipts;
xvii. to comply with relevant statutory obligations where collecting your information;
xviii. to enforce our legal rights, to comply with our legal obligations and to otherwise manage legal disputes; and
xix. to respond to complaints made by you.
b. We will only use personal information for marketing purposes if we have collected such information directly from you. We do not use sensitive personal information for this purpose.
c. You agree and consent to us using and disclosing your personal information for any of the purposes listed in clause 5.
6. Direct marketinga. We may send you direct marketing communications and information. We may send these communications to you via email or another form of communication.
b. We comply with the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) and the Privacy Act in relation to our direct marketing activities.
c. You can opt-out of receiving direct marketing communications and information at any time. All you need to do is contact us using our contact details set out in this Privacy Policy. Alternatively, you can click on an ‘opt out’ or ‘unsubscribe’ link if relevant.
7. Protecting personal informationWe will take reasonable steps to protect all collected personal information from misuse, unauthorised access, loss or modification.8. Third party disclosureWe will take reasonable steps to confirm that third parties, where applicable, are compliant with the Privacy Act.We may disclose personal information to:a. our directors, officers, employees, contractors and related bodies corporate;
b. potential employers;
c. third party background check agencies, such as police checks or working with children checks;
d. third party service providers and event providers;
e. payment system operators;
f. anyone who is proposing to acquire our business, all of the shares in our company, our assets or any material part of them;
g. our professional advisors and agents;
h. other third parties who you specifically authorise us to disclose to; and
i. other persons, such as governmental authorities, agencies and regulators.
9. International disclosureYou agree to disclosure of your personal information to overseas entities. You acknowledge that we will not be obliged under APP Principle 8.1 to take reasonable steps to ensure that an overseas recipient does not breach the APP and the Privacy Act. You also acknowledge that we will not be liable under the APP or the Privacy Act for any misuse of your personal information by an overseas entity.10. Accessing and updating informationa. Under the Privacy Act, you have the right to:
i. request access to your personal information;
ii. ask us to update or correct your personal information when it is out of date, inaccurate or incomplete; and
iii. opt-out of receiving direct marketing communications.
b. Please contact us if:
i. you would like to access your personal information; or
ii. you think we hold inaccurate or out-of-date personal information about you.
c. We will provide you with a digital copy of our current records of your personal information at no cost. However, if any of those records are stored in archives, we may charge you for providing such access.
d. We may seek to verify your identity before providing you with your personal information (or considering any requests in relation to it) to ensure that your information is not inappropriately accessed.
11. Cookies and other technologiesa. We may record information about your use of our website. For example, we may record how long you spend on a certain page, the relevant date and your IP address.
b. Our website may use ‘cookies’ and other technologies such as ‘pixel tags’ and ‘web beacons’. These technologies help us better understand user behaviour, tell us which parts of our website people have visited, and facilitate and measure the effectiveness of our website. These technologies may also be used to collect data that may include personal information.
c. You may wish to disable cookies via your device, however our website may not work as effectively with cookies disabled.
12. Safety and security'a. Your personal information may be stored by us either digitally or in physical hard copy. We will take reasonable steps to protect your personal information.
b. You provide your personal information to us at your own risk. We cannot guarantee the safety or security of your personal information. Like all businesses, our security safeguards may be subject to attack, interference, misuse or unauthorised access.
c. We are not responsible for the safety, security and data protection policies of third parties.
d. We encourage you to contact us if you suspect that there is any potential safety, data protection or security risks regarding your personal information.
13. External linksa. Our website may contain links to external websites. Those external websites are operated by third parties, not us. We provide those links for the purposes of convenience only. If you do choose to open a link to an external website, you should review the privacy policy adopted in relation to that website (as it may be different to this Privacy Policy).
b. We have no control over external websites. Opening any externals links will be done so at your own risk.
14. Contact details and complaintsa. If you need to get in contact with us (including to request access to your personal information, to make a complaint about our privacy practices or for further information about our Privacy Policy or practices), please contact us in writing at:To: Hex Talent Pty Ltd ACN 656 809 567Address: Level 1, 100-102 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba, QLD, 4557Phone number: 0413 682 586Email: admin@hextalent.com.aub. We will consider your query, complaint or other communication to consider whether there is any immediate action required to resolve the issue. If this is the case, we will generally respond to you within a few business days. However, if your query requires further consideration, we will try to carry out the investigation in a timely manner. We may need further information or details from you to assist.
c. If you have made a complaint, we will try to respond to you in writing within 30 calendar days. We will let you know if we expect your complaint will take longer to resolve.
d. Additionally, you can lodge a complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (https://www.oaic.gov.au/) if you are not satisfied with how we manage your complaint.
e. Please include all relevant information when you contact us (including your name, email and a clear description of your query).
15. UpdatesWe may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Changes will take effect by being published on our website. You can accept these changes by continuing to use the website.

T&C's - Talent

T&Cs - Employers

Acceptable Use Policy

Terms & Conditions - Talent

Our mission is to facilitate the connection between driven and skilled professionals and prospective employers in a manner that is both easily accessible and promotes inclusivity and equity. This commitment holds true regardless of an individual’s background, socioeconomic standing, or any other factors that could potentially lead to discrimination.
Our services are meticulously crafted to empower talent in presenting a comprehensive value proposition that encompasses not only their professional acumen but also their personal insights within the job market. This empowerment is extended on their own terms, with a strong emphasis on safeguarding their personal identity.We firmly uphold the belief that the present job market is in need of enhanced transparency and efficacy. Corporations encounter challenges in securing the finest talent, even as numerous exceptional individuals find themselves discontented within their current employment situations, often experiencing inadequate compensation and recognition. Our platform is being diligently developed with the talent’s well-being at its core. By placing their journey and experiences at the forefront, we create an environment that ensures their support and comfort, transforming them from mere candidates to individuals on a meaningful journey.Welcome to juxta.careers (“Website“) and the associated Juxta sites and apps (“App“), Your utilization of these platforms, encompassing their myriad offerings, is subject to these Terms and Conditions (“Terms“) as well as the accompanying policies. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with Our Privacy Policy, accessible at https://hextalent.com.au/privacy-policy/. This policy elucidates our approach to handling the personal data we collect from you and other individuals. By engaging with our Website or App, you consent to our processing of your information, and you affirm the accuracy of the information you provide. Moreover, you affirm that you have obtained the necessary consent from all relevant parties whose data you furnish to us, facilitating the provision of sought-after products, services, or information to you and your associates.These Terms were most recently updated on: 16/06/2023To make it easier for you to navigate these Terms, we have set them out in three sectionsPART A: INTRODUCTIONPART B: PROVISIONS SPECIFIC FOR TALENTPART C: GENERALPART A: INTRODUCTION
1. About us These platforms are provided by HeX Talent Pty Ltd, trading as HeXTalent, a company established and operating under the laws of Australia. Our registered company name is HeX Talent Pty Ltd, ACN 656 809 657, and our office is located at Level 1, 100-102 Brisbane Rd, Mooloolaba, 4557, Queensland, Australia. Throughout these terms, “HeXTalent,” “Juxta,” “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to our company.
Should you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us via email at admin@hextalent.com.au or by writing to our registered office address above. You can also reach us by calling +61 413 682 586, or using any other contact details we may provide from time to time.
2. Overview of our Platform? Juxta is your online platform for connecting talented individuals seeking employment or networking opportunities (“Talent“) with Hiring Managers (“Employers“) like you. It’s a place where meaningful interactions can take place, connecting potential candidates with companies.
By utilizing our intended product features, interactions between Talents and Employers occur within the confines of the Website or App. It’s important to note that Juxta serves as a platform for these interactions and is not directly involved as an agent or party to any transactions between Talent and Employers.
3. Acceptance of Terms & Conditions By accessing this Website as an individual seeking employment opportunity (“Talent” “you” or “your”) from a company that is interested in hiring Talent (“Employer”), regardless of your registration status, you hereby acknowledge and commit to abiding by these Terms.
If you have reservations about these Terms, we urge you to refrain from using the Website immediately.
By selecting “register now” or proceeding to utilise this website, you affirm that you have familiarized yourself with, understood, and, as a condition of usage, consented to these terms, including our privacy policy (https://hextalent.com.au/privacy-policy/). If you do not meet eligibility criteria or disagree with these terms, your access to and use of this website are prohibited.We reserve the right to amend these Terms by posting an updated version on this page and, where appropriate, providing notification via email.Before engaging with our Website, we strongly advise you to review the prevailing Terms to ensure a comprehensive grasp of the governing stipulations. The most current version of the Terms applicable to your Website use on this page, at your convenience.4. Accessing Juxta In recognition of your acceptance to uphold the established Terms, we extend to you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable licence. This licence bestows upon you the authority to employ the Website, within limits, and exclusively for your personal and non-commercial purposes.
Periodically, we may introduce modifications and enhancements to our Website to align with evolving product offerings, user requirements, and business priorities.
While we strive to provide uninterrupted access, please understand that there might be occasional interruptions or changes to the Website’s services. We might need to withdraw, suspend, or modify services for business or operational reasons. We will endeavour to give you reasonable notice in such cases.In the event of a suspension or withdrawal, we are committed to offering reasonable notice to users. It is important to acknowledge that we shall not incur liability if the Website becomes temporarily or consistently unavailable at any juncture.In instances where a password or any other sensitive information forms part of our security protocols and is provided to you or chosen by you, maintaining the confidentiality of such information is paramount. It is strictly prohibited to disclose this information to any third party.We retain the authority to deactivate any user identification code or password, whether instituted by you or allocated by us. This action may be undertaken if, in our assessment, your adherence to the stipulations outlined in these Terms falls short.If you possess any knowledge or suspicion that unauthorised parties have obtained access to your user identification code or password, immediate notification to us via admin@hextalent.com.au is required. Your prompt communication assists us in maintaining the security of your account.While we maintain security measures, we can’t guarantee a complete bug- or virus-free environment. To keep your devices safe, please ensure you use proper virus protection software.Utilising the Website for purposes including one that is not stipulated in the Terms of this Agreement is strictly prohibited and or introducing any type of viruses or any malicious or technologically harmful material is considered a breach of the Terms of this Agreement.Unauthorised access attempts to our Website, the hosting server, or any connected servers, computers, or databases are strictly prohibited.Engaging in a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack against our Website may constitute a criminal offence under the Cybercrime Act 2001 (Cth), or other relevant legal statutes depending on your jurisdiction.Should a breach of this nature transpire, we reserve the right to report it to relevant law enforcement authorities. Additionally, we will collaborate with these authorities by disclosing your identity. In the aftermath of such a breach, we retain the prerogative to immediately terminate your right to use our Website.You bear the responsibility of ensuring that all individuals accessing our Website via your internet connection are well-informed about these Terms and other applicable conditions. It is imperative that they adhere to these stipulations.Linking to our home page is permissible, provided such action is executed fairly and lawfully, without causing harm to our reputation or capitalizing on it.Establishing a link should not imply an association, endorsement, or approval on our part when no such connection exists. Links to our Website must not be created on websites that are not under your ownership.Our Website must not be embedded within another site, and links should be directed only to the home page.We maintain the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.The website hosting the link must fully adhere to the content standards outlined in our Acceptable Use Policy.For any inquiries about linking to our Website or utilizing its Content beyond the aforementioned scope, please communicate with us at admin@hextalent.com.au.PART B: PROVISIONS SPECIFIC FOR TALENT
5. Registration: Creating an Account and a Profile To start using the Website as a Talent, you need to register and create an account (“Account“). For eligibility, you must be at least 18 years old. If you had a previous Account suspended or terminated, you are prohibited to use this Website. We reserve the right to accept or decline your Account registration at our discretion. Once accepted, you’ll have your own Account.
When registering for an Account, you agree to providing accurate and up-to-date information about yourself and not on behalf of another individual or entity. You are responsible for maintaining and updating this information. All Account activities are your responsibility. You hold the privilege manage and edit your Talent profile, updating career opportunities and related documents in your library.
You agree to maintain one account and to not share your login to any individual, entity or third persons. Juxta retains authority to verify the email address linked to your Talent Account and will activate Accounts after our email verification procedure.You must provide your name, email, career preferences, insights, and LinkedIn profile link and potentially other relevant profiles, to be contacted with Employers on the Website or App.Once your Account is ready and preferences set, you can access the dashboard and connect with potential Employers for career possibilities. When required by Juxta or an Employer, you must provide additional information about your work, education, and related data.We may suspend, terminate Accounts, and decline present or future access to the Website, exercising this right at any time and for any valid reason.If you require further information on data handling, please refer to our Privacy Policy.6. Obligations and Rights of Talent As a Talent you have the opportunity to utilise the Website and App for connecting and engaging with Employers to explore career opportunities.
The Website and App are currently offered free of charge for Talents; registration and Account creation are all that is required.
When you register for an Account, you’ll establish a profile. Profile fields can be either locked or unlocked. Unlocked fields are visible to the Employer network, while locked fields remain private. Unlocked fields are immediately viewable by the Employer network, while locked fields remain confidential.You may receive unlock requests from specific users in the Employer network, often accompanied by context about a particular career opportunity. You have the right to accept or decline such unlock requests.Upon approving an unlock request, you permit the release of data connected to your locked profile fields. This action renders your entire profile visible solely to that specific Employer user. Subsequently, that Employer user can opt to accept or reject your profile. In case of acceptance, your phone number and email will be displayed.The Employer user may then choose to communicate with you via phone or email.The platform incorporates a timed profile release feature. If you approve the release of your profile but no action is taken by the Employer user to connect with you, your profile will automatically revert to its locked state.You have the authority to switch the visibility of your entire Profile to the Employer network on and off.In some instances on the Website and App, you might be directed to an external link to apply for a career opportunity.Career opportunities displayed on the Website and App originate from third-party Employers, over which Juxta holds no control.You acknowledge that Juxta lacks control over career opportunity content, associated links, or any requirements set by third parties if you apply through their website.We can not verify the accuracy of any career opportunity or information provided by Juxta, Employers, or other users.Your engagement with information, such as CVs and messages, whether for viewing, sending, storage, or receipt, via the Website, may be employed by Juxta for internal business purposes. These purposes encompass data analysis, quality enhancement, and refinement of the Website or other offerings. This utilization, conducted via automated or alternative methods, seeks to enhance the user experience, optimize search results, and improve listings for both Talent and Employers.You may receive messages or email notifications based on your Website activity. Juxta provides that these messages or notifications are provided as a courtesy and does not guarantee transmission, storage delivery or receipt of such courtesy communications or their delivery or timing.You agree to indemnify, keep indemnified defending, and hold harmless Juxta, its agents, affiliates, and licensors from all liabilities, including but not limited to losses, damages, costs, (including reasonable legal fees), and third-party claims, arising from but not limited to the accuracy, legality, available career opportunity suggestions, Employer details, salary figures, blog posts, screening questions, responses, and assessment information including Content accessible on the Website and App.For complaints regarding our Website or App, you can contact us anytime via email at admin@hextalent.com.au or by writing to our registered office address.PART C: GENERAL
7. Intellectual property and acceptable use We own or licence all intellectual property produced on our Website, including but not limited to patents, copyrights, design rights, trade marks and its associated rights. These rights are applicable globally, covering our Website and its published Content, including but not limited to text, images, videos, software, and user-generated contributions. This includes both registered and unregistered rights, as well as pending applications and future protections across jurisdictions. Our proprietary domain includes comparable rights in various forms, existing or emerging, worldwide (“Intellectual Property Rights“). This domain encompasses our Website and its materials, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations, page layout, underlying code and software, job adverts, company profiles, blog posts and any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Website, together with any such content uploaded by users of the Website (“Content“).
Unless expressly stated otherwise in these Terms, all rights are reserved. No trademarks, logos, service marks, or other intellectual property rights displayed on the Website can be used without the owner’s prior written permission. In every instance, you must acknowledge our status, along with that of any identified contributors, as the creators of the Content present on our Website. Any commercial use of the Content requires a licence from us or our licensors. If you violate these terms, your right to use the Website may be terminated.
You may, however, print one copy or download extracts from our Website for personal use and records, while ensuring that you don’t modify, separate, or use parts of the Content. Subsequently, at our discretion, you may be obligated to either return or eliminate any copies of materials you’ve generated.You acknowledge the

Terms & Conditions - Employers

Our mission is to facilitate the connection between driven and skilled professionals and prospective employers in a manner that is both easily accessible and promotes inclusivity and equity. This commitment holds true regardless of an individual’s background, socioeconomic standing, or any other factors that could potentially lead to discrimination.
Our services are meticulously crafted to empower talent in presenting a comprehensive value proposition that encompasses not only their professional acumen but also their personal insights within the job market. This empowerment is extended on their own terms, with a strong emphasis on safeguarding their personal identity.We firmly uphold the belief that the present job market is in need of enhanced transparency and efficacy. Corporations encounter challenges in securing the finest talent, even as numerous exceptional individuals find themselves discontented within their current employment situations, often experiencing inadequate compensation and recognition. Our platform is being diligently developed with the talent’s well-being at its core. By placing their journey and experiences at the forefront, we create an environment that ensures their support and comfort, transforming them from mere candidates to individuals on a meaningful journey.Welcome to juxta.careers (“Website“) and the associated Juxta sites and apps (“App“), Your utilization of these platforms, encompassing their myriad offerings, is subject to these Terms and Conditions (“Terms“) as well as the accompanying policies. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with Our Privacy Policy, accessible at https://hextalent.com.au/privacy-policy/. This policy elucidates our approach to handling the personal data we collect from you and other individuals. By engaging with our Website or App, you consent to our processing of your information, and you affirm the accuracy of the information you provide. Moreover, you affirm that you have obtained the necessary consent from all relevant parties whose data you furnish to us, facilitating the provision of sought-after products, services, or information to you and your associates.These Terms were most recently updated on: 16/06/2023To make it easier for you to navigate these Terms, we have set them out in three sectionsPART A: INTRODUCTIONPART B: PROVISIONS SPECIFIC FOR EMPLOYERSPART C: GENERALPART A: INTRODUCTION
1. About us These platforms are provided by HeX Talent Pty Ltd, trading as HeXTalent, a company established and operating under the laws of Australia. Our registered company name is HeX Talent Pty Ltd, ACN 656 809 657, and our office is located at Level 1, 100-102 Brisbane Rd, Mooloolaba, 4557, Queensland, Australia. Throughout these terms, “HeXTalent,” “Juxta,” “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to our company.
Should you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us via email at admin@hextalent.com.au or by writing to our registered office address above. You can also reach us by calling +61 413 682 586, or using any other contact details we may provide from time to time.
2. Our Platform? Juxta is your online platform for connecting talented individuals seeking employment or networking opportunities (“Talent“) with Hiring Managers (“Employers“) like you. It’s a place where meaningful interactions can take place, connecting potential candidates with companies.
By utilizing our intended product features, interactions between Talents and Employers occur within the confines of the Website or App. It’s important to note that Juxta serves as a platform for these interactions and is not directly involved as an agent or party to any transactions between Talent and Employers.
3. Acceptance of Terms & Conditions By accessing this Website as an individual, company, or unincorporated entity interested in networking with or hiring Talent (“Employer,” “you,” or “your”), regardless of your registration status, you hereby acknowledge and commit to abiding by these Terms.
If you have reservations about these Terms, we urge you to refrain from using the Website immediately.
BY SELECTING “REGISTER NOW” OR PROCEEDING TO UTILISE THIS WEBSITE, YOU AFFIRM THAT YOU HAVE FAMILIARIZED YOURSELF WITH, UNDERSTOOD, AND, AS A CONDITION OF USAGE, CONSENTED TO THESE TERMS, INCLUDING OUR PRIVACY POLICY (https://hextalent.com.au/privacy-policy/). IF YOU DO NOT MEET ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA OR DISAGREE WITH THESE TERMS, YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF THIS WEBSITE ARE PROHIBITED.We reserve the right to amend these Terms by posting an updated version on this page and, where appropriate, providing notification via email.Before engaging with our Website, we strongly advise you to review the prevailing Terms to ensure a comprehensive grasp of the governing stipulations. The most current version of the Terms applicable to your Website use on this page, at your convenience.4. Accessing Juxta In recognition of your acceptance to uphold the established Terms, we extend to you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sublicensable licence. This licence bestows upon you the authority to employ the Website, within limits, and exclusively for your personal and non-commercial purposes.
Periodically, we may introduce modifications and enhancements to our Website to align with evolving product offerings, user requirements, and business priorities.
While we strive to provide uninterrupted access, please understand that there might be occasional interruptions or changes to the Website’s services. We might need to withdraw, suspend, or modify services for business or operational reasons. We will endeavour to give you reasonable notice in such cases.In the event of a suspension or withdrawal, we are committed to offering reasonable notice to users. It is important to acknowledge that we shall not incur liability if the Website becomes temporarily or consistently unavailable at any juncture.In instances where a password or any other sensitive information forms part of our security protocols and is provided to you or chosen by you, maintaining the confidentiality of such information is paramount. It is strictly prohibited to disclose this information to any third party.We retain the authority to deactivate any user identification code or password, whether instituted by you or allocated by us. This action may be undertaken if, in our assessment, your adherence to the stipulations outlined in these Terms falls short.If you possess any knowledge or suspicion that unauthorised parties have obtained access to your user identification code or password, immediate notification to us via admin@hextalent.com.au is required. Your prompt communication assists us in maintaining the security of your account.While we maintain security measures, we can’t guarantee a complete bug- or virus-free environment. To keep your devices safe, please ensure you use proper virus protection software.Utilising the Website for purposes including one that is not stipulated in the Terms of this Agreement is strictly prohibited and or introducing any type of viruses or any malicious or technologically harmful material is considered a breach of the Terms of this Agreement.Unauthorised access attempts to our Website, the hosting server, or any connected servers, computers, or databases are strictly prohibited.Engaging in a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack against our Website may constitute a criminal offence under the Cybercrime Act 2001 (Cth), or other relevant legal statutes depending on your jurisdiction.Should a breach of this nature transpire, we reserve the right to report it to relevant law enforcement authorities. Additionally, we will collaborate with these authorities by disclosing your identity. In the aftermath of such a breach, we retain the prerogative to immediately terminate your right to use our Website.You bear the responsibility of ensuring that all individuals accessing our Website via your internet connection are well-informed about these Terms and other applicable conditions. It is imperative that they adhere to these stipulations.Linking to our home page is permissible, provided such action is executed fairly and lawfully, without causing harm to our reputation or capitalizing on it.Establishing a link should not imply an association, endorsement, or approval on our part when no such connection exists. Links to our Website must not be created on websites that are not under your ownership.Our Website must not be embedded within another site, and links should be directed only to the home page.We maintain the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.The website hosting the link must fully adhere to the content standards outlined in our Acceptable Use Policy.For any inquiries about linking to our Website or utilizing its Content beyond the aforementioned scope, please communicate with us at admin@hextalent.com.au.PART B: PROVISIONS SPECIFIC FOR EMPLOYERS
5. Registration: Creating an Account and a Profile To start using the Website as an Employer, you need to register and create an account (“Account“). For eligibility, you must be at least 18 years old. If you had a previous Account suspended or terminated, you are prohibited to use this Website. We reserve the right to accept or decline your Account registration at our discretion. Once accepted, you’ll have your own Account.
When registering for an Account, you agree to provide accurate and up-to-date information about yourself and not on behalf of another individual or entity. You are responsible for maintaining and updating this information. All Account activities are your responsibility. You hold the privilege to manage and edit your Employer profile, updating career opportunities and related documents in your library.
You agree to maintain one account and to not share your login to any individual, entity or third person. Juxta retains the authority to verify the email address linked to your Employer Account and will activate Accounts after our email verification procedure.We may suspend, terminate Accounts, and decline present or future access to the Website, exercising this right at any time and for any valid reason.6. Obligations and Rights of Employers In your capacity as an Employer, the Website provides you with the means to discover and communicate with potential Talent.
Your engagement with information, such as CVs and messages, whether for viewing, sending, storage, or receipt, via the Website, may be employed by Juxta for internal business purposes. These purposes encompass data analysis, quality enhancement, and refinement of the Website or other offerings. This utilization, conducted via automated or alternative methods, seeks to enhance the user experience, optimize search results, and improve listings for both Talent and Employers.
You may receive messages or email notifications based on your Website activity. Juxta provides that these messages or notifications are provided as a courtesy and does not guarantee transmission, storage delivery or receipt of such courtesy communications or their delivery or timing.You agree to indemnify, keep indemnified defending, and hold harmless Juxta, its agents, affiliates, and licensors from all liabilities, including but not limited to losses, damages, costs, (including reasonable legal fees), and third-party claims, arising from but not limited to your Account, career opportunities you present, messages you send, or any other Content or material uploaded to or accessed via the Website.7. Confidentiality and Data Safeguarding As an Employer, you agree to keep confidential all information obtained from Talent through the Website. This includes but is not limited to names, personal details, and any other private or proprietary information (“Confidential Information“).
You agree to not disclosing Confidential Information to anyone other than your employees who require the information for potential Talent recruitment and who ensure to comply with the Terms of this Agreement and implementing proper measures to safeguard the Confidential Information from loss, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
Should a request be made by us, the immediate return or secure destruction (as directed by us) of all Confidential Information is a requisite action.Furthermore, with regard to applicable data protection legislation, encompassing statutes like the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) or relevant laws relevant to your jurisdiction, you are recognised as a data controller for any and all personal data procured from Talent through the Website. Your processing of such personal data, as submitted by Talent, shall diligently adhere to the provisions stipulated in the Data Protection Legislation.8. Payment Opting to enlist in Juxta’s subscription entails the provision or facilitation of access to the range of Juxta services outlined on the Website and/or a Statement of Work.
Access to Juxta services requires ongoing payment of applicable fees. Subscriptions are for a period of up to 12 months, unless stipulated otherwise, and will automatically renew for subsequent 12-month periods, with any potential adjustments in pricing applied (as agreed upon), unless you or we provide a 30-day termination notice. We will inform you of any pricing changes at least 45 days before renewal.
We reserve the right to decline renewal at our discretion.PART C: GENERAL
9. Intellectual Property and Acceptable Use We own or license all intellectual property produced on our Website, including but not limited to patents, copyrights, design rights, trademarks and their associated rights. These rights are applicable globally, covering our Website and its published Content, including but not limited to text, images, videos, software, and user-generated contributions. This includes both registered and unregistered rights, as well as pending applications and future protections across jurisdictions. Our proprietary domain includes comparable rights in various forms, existing or emerging, worldwide (“Intellectual Property Rights“). This domain encompasses our Website and its materials, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations, page layout, underlying code and software, job adverts, company profiles, blog posts and any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Website, together with any such content uploaded by users of the Website (“Content“).
Unless expressly stated otherwise in these Terms, all rights are reserved. No trademarks, logos, service marks, or other intellectual property rights displayed on the Website can be used without the owner’s prior written permission. In every instance, you must acknowledge our status, along with that of any identified contributors, as the creators of the Content present on our Website. Any commercial use of the Content requires a licence from us or our licensors. If you violate these terms, your right to use the Website may be terminated.
You may, however, print one copy or download extracts from our Website for personal use and records, while ensuring that you don’t modify, separate, or use parts of the Content. Subsequently, at our discretion, you may be obligated to either return or eliminate any copies of materials you’ve generated.You acknowledge the opinions, materials and any information uploaded by other users whether on bulletin boards chat rooms, or any other forum on Juxta’s website may not be accurate and is not reflective our own perspectives or principles.The content provided on our website is meant solely for general informational purposes. It must not be considered a replacement for dependable advice. Before making decisions based on the content found on our website, it’s important for you to consult with a qualified professional.While we undertake reasonable efforts to ensure updates to the information and Content on our Website, we disclaim all responsibility for the accuracy, entirety, or timeliness of the Content. This holds true regardless of whether such representations, warranties, or guarantees are expressed or implied.Should you require any clarity regarding the use of

Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy
What’s in these terms?
This acceptable use policy sets out the content standards that apply when you upload content to our site, make contact with other users on our site, link to our site, or interact with our site in any other way.
Who we are and how to contact us
https://juxta.careers & https://hextalent.com.au are sites operated by HeX Talent Pty Ltd, trading as HeXTalent, a company established and existing under laws of Australia, with company ACN 656 809 657, located at Level 1, 100-102 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba, 4557, Queensland, Australia (hereinafter, “HeXTalent”, “Juxta” “we”, “us” or “our”).
By using our site you accept these terms
By using our site, you confirm that you accept the terms of this policy and that you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to these terms, you must not use our site. We recommend that you print a copy of our acceptable use policy and terms for future reference.
There are other terms that may apply to you
Our Terms of Website and App use also apply to your use of our site.
We may make changes to the terms of this policy
We amend our acceptable use policy and our terms and conditions from time to time. Every time you wish to use our site, please check these terms to ensure you understand the terms that apply at that time. These terms were most recently updated on 16/06/2023.
Prohibited uses
In any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation.
In any way that is unlawful or fraudulent or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect.
For the purpose of harming or attempting to harm anyone including minors in any way.
To bully, insult, intimidate or humiliate any person.
To send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use or re-use any material which does not comply with our content standards below.
To transmit, or procure the sending of, any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation (spam).
To knowingly transmit any data, send or upload any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.
You also agree:
Not to reproduce, duplicate, copy or re-sell any part of our site in contravention of the provisions of our terms of website use.
Not to access without authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt:
any part of our site;
any equipment or network on which our site is stored;
any software used in the provision of our site; or
any equipment or network or software owned or used by any third party
Acceptable Use Policy for Interactive services
We may from time to time provide interactive services on our site, including, without limitation:
Messaging functions
Salary product data
Company reviews
Where we do provide any interactive service, we will provide clear information to you about the kind of service offered, if it is moderated and what form of moderation is used (including whether it is human or technical).
We will do our best to assess any possible risks for users from third parties when they use any interactive service provided on our site, and we will decide in each case whether it is appropriate to use moderation of the relevant service (including what kind of moderation to use) in the light of those risks.However, we are under no obligation to oversee, monitor or moderate any interactive service we provide on our site, and we expressly exclude our liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of any interactive service by a user in contravention of our content standards, whether the service is moderated or not.Where we do moderate an interactive service, we will normally provide you with a means of contacting the moderator, should a concern or difficulty arise.Acceptable Use Policy for Content standards
These content standards apply to any and all material which you contribute to our site (Contribution), and to any interactive services associated with it.
The Content Standards must be complied with in spirit as well as to the letter.The standards apply to each part of any Contribution as well as to its whole.Juxta will determine, in its discretion, whether a Contribution breaches the Content Standards.A Contribution must:Be accurate (where it states facts).
Be genuinely held (where it states opinions).
Comply with the law applicable in Australia and in any country from which it is posted.
A Contribution must not:
Be defamatory of any person.
Be obscene, offensive, hateful or inflammatory.
Bully, insult, intimidate or humiliate.
Promote sexually explicit material.
Include child sexual abuse material.
Promote violence.
Promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.
Infringe any copyright, database right or trade mark of any other person.
Be likely to deceive any person.
Breach any legal duty owed to a third party, such as a contractual duty or a duty of confidence.
Promote any illegal activity.
Be in contempt of court.
Be threatening, abuse or invade another’s privacy, or cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety.
Be likely to harass, upset, embarrass, alarm or annoy any other person.
Impersonate any person, or misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person.
Give the impression that the Contribution emanates from Juxta, if this is not the case.
Advocate, promote, incite any party to commit, or assist any unlawful or criminal act such as (by way of example only) copyright infringement or computer misuse.
Contain a statement which you know or believe, or have reasonable grounds for believing, that members of the public to whom the statement is, or is to be, published are likely to understand as a direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement to the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism.
Contain any advertising or promote any services or web links to other sites.
Breach of this policy
When we consider that a breach of this acceptable use policy has occurred, we may take such action as we deem appropriate.
Failure to comply with this acceptable use policy constitutes a material breach of the terms of website use upon which you are permitted to use our site, and may result in our taking all or any of the following actions:Immediate, temporary or permanent withdrawal of your right to use our site.
Immediate, temporary or permanent removal of any Contribution uploaded by you to our site.
Issue of a warning to you.
Legal proceedings against you for reimbursement of all costs on an indemnity basis (including, but not limited to, reasonable administrative and legal costs) resulting from the breach.
Further legal action against you.
Disclosure of such information to law enforcement authorities as we reasonably feel is necessary or as required by law.
We exclude our liability for all action we may take in response to breaches of this acceptable use policy.
The actions we may take are not limited to those described above, and we may take any other action we reasonably deem appropriate.Which country’s laws apply to any disputes?
If you are a consumer, please note that the terms of this acceptable use policy, its subject matter and its formation are governed by the laws of Australia.
You and we both agree that the courts of Australia will have exclusive jurisdiction.If you are a business, the terms of this acceptable use policy, its subject matter and its formation (and any non-contractual disputes or claims) are governed by Australian law.We both agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Australia.End of Acceptable Use Policy.